I saw you crying. I saw a brave soul. I sat there quietly as I watch the angel grows. My words wouldn't change destiny but faith will walk you home. You have to know I've only asked to slip into your dreams and steal all your sorrows. I can imagine you just so much so please let me make you more tea because for tomorrow, we'll never know...
They told me not to think about death but death is all that I imagine too soon. Without an existence, without your presence. They will take away all of you that I have. I'll be gone, so tell me something I don't know.
I sit here trembling in cold desperately in need of warmth. The landlord is running away and all we need is a lil' more heat. Is that too much for so much.
My eyes are drying and my fingers frozen. Your disapproval makes my heart sink. I've had my lines ready and it's only a matter of time.